Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Scene 4

In scene 4, I want sackboy to walk pass with the Lotus Esprit S1 behide and the spot light is flashing at the same time.

First I need sackboy to walk, so with the biped inside sackboy, go to motion panel, in the biped rollout, choose footstep mode. At the footstep creation rollout, select walk and create multiple footsteps. I have use 26 steps, so sackboy walk to the end of the car, then just turn off footstep mode.

Create a target spot, turn on auto key and as sackboy move, the light will slowly follow him. To do the flashing effect, I just turning the multiplier value at the the intensity/color/attenuation rollout.

Then create a target camera focus in the middle of the scene.

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