Monday, 31 January 2011

Fruit bowl

The first fruit I made are the apple, by converting the sphere in to poly, and changing the shape of the sphere using vertex, polygon and soft selection, so it look more like a apple, by adding smooth to the sphere making the outling of the sphere more smooth.
Then a cone is used to finish the apple.

The second fruit is a banana, is made using the box, same as before convert the box into poly to change the shape and apply smooth to the object.

Sphere is used to create the bowl, first convert it into poly and use vertex and smooth selection to push the top of the sphere down to the bottom, so is hollow inside, then i apply the wood material, which made the bowl look like a wooden bowl.

Finally a base is created using cone, making the fruit bowl look like is sitting on the table.

Sunday, 30 January 2011


The second task is to create a snowman using sphere, to create the head, eyes and body of the snowman, the hat are made by using two cone together.

After the snow was made, i have use particle systems to add some snow into the scene and by changing the setting, i can get different effect of the snow, then use environment to add the background.

3Ds Max - castle

This was the first time i had use software like 3Ds max, I think the castle came out alright for my first attempt.

The castle was created by using different type of shape join together, such as using box and pyramid to create the tower.